Oyndarfjørður (Settlement)

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Oyndarfjørður, mentioned in Hundabrævið, has 134 inhabitants and covers 32 merkur, of which 28 merkur are copyhold land distributed between ten copyhold tenants, and 4 merkur are freehold land. The sheep herd consists of 748 animals.

The church, a traditional wooden church with a turf roof, was built in 1838. The school, designed by Niels Pauli Hansen, is from 1959. The mission house was built in 1944.

Oyndarfjørður has an old preserved grocery store, í Víkum, with a shop and residence. The fjord is used for salmon farming. The village has a hostel and a campsite.

At the beach, you can see two rocking stones called Rinkusteinar.

Further reading

Read more about The islands, towns and settlements