Oyrarbakki (Settlement)

© Styrelsen for Dataforsyning og Infrastruktur

The outlying village of Oyrarbakki was established in 1924 and now has 173 inhabitants. Júst í Túni started the first salmon and trout farm in the late 1960s, and in the early 1970s, Fiskaaling set up its own fish farm in the area, however, it has since closed again. Located close to the bridge across the sound, Oyrarbakki has become central in Sunda Kommuna and also houses the municipal administration. In addition to the mixed school, you will also find the municipality’s fire station and the youth association Eydnan’s assembly hall.

Near the village, a 130,000-m2 recreational area spreads out, which includes a plantation with 70,000 trees.

Further reading

Read more about The islands, towns and settlements

  • Jóan Pauli Joensen

    (b. 1945) D.Phil. in History and D.Phil. in Ethnology. Professor Emeritus and adjunct professor at the University of the Faroe Islands and former rector of the University of the Faroe Islands.