Selatrað (Settlement)

© Styrelsen for Dataforsyning og Infrastruktur

Selatrað, which is mentioned in Hundabrævið, has 45 inhabitants and covers 30 merkur, of which 22 merkur are copyhold land divided between two copyhold tenants, and 8 merkur are freehold land. Selatrað is considered to be a landnam village and used to have a local thingstead. The sheep herd consists of 713 animals.

The village church from 1927 is made of concrete with a slate roof and is designed by the engineer Steingrim Winther. The now closed school is currently used as an village hall and hosts various activities, including Christian meetings.

A relatively large plantation was established by the Danish Health Society in 1923. The village also has a YMCA scout centre which has been the setting of large international scout camps. A jetty was built in 1965, which has since been expanded into a small marina.

Further reading

Read more about The islands, towns and settlements

  • Rúni Rasmussen

    (b. 1979) Political scientist. Municipal chief executive, Klaksvík Municipality.