Streymnes (Settlement)

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Streymnes has 320 inhabitants and covers 12 merkur, of which 6 merkur are copyhold land, and 6 merkur are freehold land. There is a single copyhold tenant. The sheep population consists of 606 animals. The village has always shared a church and a school with Hvalvík.

Sunda Municipality’s newly built nursing and old-age home Mørkin is located in Streymnes, which is part of the VEKS cooperation between the neighbouring municipalities.

Further reading

Read more about The islands, towns and settlements

  • Jóan Pauli Joensen

    (b. 1945) D.Phil. in History and D.Phil. in Ethnology. Professor Emeritus and adjunct professor at the University of the Faroe Islands and former rector of the University of the Faroe Islands.