Trøllanes, first mentioned in 1584, has 13 inhabitants and covers 16 merkur, of which 11 merkur and 8 gyllin are copyhold land and 4 merkur and 8 gyllin are freehold land. The copyhold land is divided between two copyhold tenants. The sheep herd consists of 375 animals.
As it lies unprotected and facing the sea, Trøllanes has poor landing conditions and could be cut off from the outside world for extended periods during winter. The village used to have no cemetery, so people had to carry the coffins along the narrow path that led to Mikladalur and the southern villages. In some places the path was so narrow that the body had to be taken out of the coffin, and both body and coffin had to be carried on the back. Trøllanes did not get its own cemetery until around 1830. The village was connected by road via a tunnel in 1985.
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Read more about The islands, towns and settlements